
The sweetest of Reagan's world ... Life in the PINK!

Friday, October 29, 2004

Vegas, Baby!

Well, the day has finally come. Now I'm just counting the hours. Great! Making a few last minute calls, trying to get into all the hot-spots this weekend. I'm really looking forward to this.

OMG, I was just looking out the window of my office into the lobby and I noticed this large balding man with a comb-over. Only the longer comb-over hairs had been blown back down, obviously from the "wind-tunnel" you have to walk through between the garage and the building entrance. Those couple of 6" hairs are just there dangling on the side of his head. Poor guy.

Anyway, one final note before I wisk off to Vegas. I've added a link for my Heart Walk donation page to the menu to the right. I will also be walking on November 6th. If you're in town and your schedule permits, feel free to come walk with me. But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE donate if you can. I think it asks for a minimum donation of $25. My goal is only set at $200 before Nov. 6 and I've reached about 25% of that goal. So, PLEASE help if you can.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. And please be safe.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

The final countdown.

I feel like poop today. Boyfriend is a spoiled brat and SUCKS HUGE, CELULITE-STRICKEN, HAIRY ASS! Yea, I said it, what? But hey, I'm going to Vegas tomorrow and I'm going to have the freakin time of my life even if it freakin kills me. Hopefully I'll win some money at the craps tables to make me feel better too.

Everybody, have a great, safe weekend. Happy Halloweenie!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I'm stumped ...

2 more days until Vegas, baby!

Ok, now that I got that out of the way, tonight is bachelor night and I'm stumped on my Bachelor picks. I honestly don't know which way to go on this one. I'm in a 3-way tie for 1st place in my betting pool but it's close. (BTW, I got all my picks right last week, YEA for me.) Plus, picks count for 3 points each tonight instead of the usual 1 point. So, it could easily turn for someone else. So, this one is pretty crucial if I want to win the pot.

The way I figure it, Andrea and Mary are both givens. He's formed really close relationships with both of them and they are both holding their own pretty well in the house. I had figured for Jayne to make it to the final 3 until her borderline-psychotic jealous episode last week. On top of that, they showed previews of her walking in on a Jayne-bashing gossip session between the other girls and her freaking out again and running off, I'm sure to take it out on Byron again. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not bashing Jayne. The circumstances those women are under, dating a man who you know is dating several other women, but also having to live with those other women. I know I wouldn't be able to handle that crap! At any rate, I'm not so sure she's going to make it through this next rose ceremony.

I'm not sure how trustworthy this source is, but I've been reading all the message boards to try to narrow my 4 picks down some. I found a couple of messages that said neighbors have reported seeing TV crews at Tanya's house a couple of months ago. I realize this could have just been tabloids or something, but it is also highly possible this was the ABC crews for the meet-my-family episode. So, that makes me think she's going to make it through one more round.

And finally, and this one is very if-y, Cynthia finally gets a private date with Byron! And apparently, according to the message boards, her feelings definitely grow during this date. So, I'm thinking Mary, Andrea, Tanya and Cynthia. Any thoughts or spoilers out there?


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I scored a 43.

Nothing to write about today, except that there are only 3 days left before we leave for Vegas! Yes, expect to see a countdown until I'm gone.

Anyway, one of my friends sent me this test. I don't usually do this stuff but I'm kind of bored right now and it looked pretty short so I did it. I scored a 43. I'm going to put the scores for the answers in a comment but don't cheat! Here it goes ...

Dr. Phil scored 55. He did this test on Oprah, she got a 38. Some people pay a lot of money to find this stuff out. Read on, this is very interesting Don't be overly sensitive!

The following is pretty accurate and it only takes 2 minutes. Take this test for yourself and send it to your friends. The person who sent it placed their score in the subject box. Please do the same before forwarding to your friends. Don't peek but begin the test as you scroll down and answer. Answers are for who you are NOW ... not who you were in the past.

Have pen or pencil and paper ready. This is a real test given by the Human Resources Dept. at many of the major corporations today. It helps them get better insight concerning their employees and prospective employees.

It's only 10 simple questions, so ... grab a pencil and paper, keeping track of your letter answers.

Make sure to change the subject of the e-mail to read YOUR total.

When you are finished, forward this to everyone you know, and also send it to the person who sent this to you.

Number your paper 1 to 10 first.

Ready? Begin ...

1. When do you feel at your best?
a) in the morning
b) during the afternoon and early evening
c) late at night

2. You usually walk ...
a) fairly fast, with long steps
b) fairly fast, with little steps
c) less fast head up, looking the world in the face
d) less fast, head down
e) very slowly

3. When talking to people, you ...
a) stand with your arms folded
b) have your hands clasped
c) have one or both of your hands on your hips
d) touch or push the person to whom you are talking
e) play with your ear, touch your chin or smooth your hair

4. When relaxing, you sit with ...
a) your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side
b) your legs crossed
c) your legs stretched out or straight
d) one leg curled under you

5. When something really amuses you, you react with ...
a) a big appreciated laugh
b) a laugh, but not a loud one
c) a quiet chuckle
d) a sheepish smile

6. When you go to a party or social gathering, you ...
a) make a loud entrance so everyone notices you
b) make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know
c) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed

7. When you're working or concentrating very hard, and you're interrupted, you.
a) welcome the break
b) feel extremely irritated
c) vary between these two extremes

8. Which of the following colors do you like most?
a) Red or orange
b) black
c) yellow or light blue
d) green
e) dark blue or purple
f) white
g) brown or gray

9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep, you lie...
a) stretched out on your back
b) stretched out face down on your stomach
c) on your side, slightly curled
d) with your head on one arm
e) with your head under the covers

10. You often dream that you are ...
a) falling
b) fighting or struggling
c) searching for something or somebody
d) flying or floating
e) you usually have dreamless sleep
f) your dreams are always pleasant

Monday, October 25, 2004

Weekend chatter ...

Well, that was a nice weekend. Friday night was a long night. Boyfriend's was longer than mine because he started way earlier than me, due to his "flexible" work schedule. I caught up with him and a couple of his buddies early in the evening for a couple of beers. Then we actually went out to a club. I have to say, I had a great time. But it wouldn't have been as good if I hadn't been staying away from the clubs the way I have for the past month or so. Needless to say, we stayed out way too late. And boy, did I pay for it. I was confined to my bed the entire day on Saturday. YUCK. Not exactly how I like to spend my Saturdays, but what can you do. I'm obviously getting too old for the bar scene. One night out and it takes me an entire 24 hours to recover.

I did get out of bed to go have dinner with boyfriend's parents on Saturday night. I love hanging out with them. I can't say enough good things about them, but I digress.

Sunday, we went to watch one of my girlfriends compete in yet another bikini contest. Ms. Ali is so beautiful, as you can see. She's got this knock out smile, she's intelligent, has this enormous personality and a body to die for. In fact, 75% of the girls that were in the contest had that kind of body.

It got me all motivated to work out again. I think I'm going to start taking kickboxing classes. And I'm going to have a little chat with the instructor to make sure he pushes me as hard as possible. I'm not overweight or anything, in fact, I'm very happy with my body right now. But, I want my "army body" back! Of course, this means that boyfriend won't have dinner prepared for him every night by 7 pm. But, what the hell, he's too damned spoiled anyway. I'll definitely keep you posted on how this works out.

4 MORE DAYS UNTIL VEGAS, BABY! Oh, I guess I didn't mention, boyfriend and I are going to Vegas for my birthday weekend. I'm a Halloween baby, which always makes for interesting birthdays, to say the least. I had made it a point to stop celebrating my birthdays because it was just getting too freakin depressing. But this year I decided I'd go all out and try my best to have the craziest, best birthday I've ever had. I know I probably shouldn't get my hopes so far up there, but how can you not when you're going to "sin city". At any rate, we do have a couple of friends who will probably be joining us, so it should be a blast either way. I'll keep you posted on that too. Sorry to repeat, but I think I'm about to wet myself, I'm getting so excited ... 4 MORE DAYS UNTIL VEGAS, BABY!

Friday, October 22, 2004

There's always next year.

Of course, you know I watched the game last night and that's really all that's on my mind right now. I may write about something else later today if the urge strikes me. But, if you don't want to read about sports, you may want to stop reading now because here it goes.

While I sit at my desk staring at my computer screen, over-analyze last night's loss for the Astros, I'm still beaming with pride that they had such an incredible season. There
is always next season. But what went wrong in game 7. I'll tell you what went wrong ...

First of all, Roger Clemens did not come through as expected. He usually breaks after the 4th inning and adjusts his pitches. He didn't do that this game. Also, HELLO, he should have walked Pujols and pitched to Rolen. We had the leeway there.

But Clemens definitely is not entirely to blame for this loss. Too many of our guys swung at balls they shouldn't have, balls that landed in the dirt before the plate or that were even way out of reach. And there was not nearly enough hustle in our defense or our offense for that matter. This was the last game, our last chance to make it to the World Series for the first time ever. You get your butt out there and break your back and eat dirt to dive for every single ball that comes in your vicinity, and you run for that base faster than you've ever run in your life. Houston teams all carry the same bad habit ... if they don't break into a good lead initially and keep that lead, they start to loose confidence and give up at the first sign of an opposing gain. And I think that's what happened. Once the Card's started scoring runs, our guys just gave up. In the end, I guess they just wanted it more.

Agh! But in the spirit of good sportsmanship, and with the realization that our guys had a great season and played their hearts out all year, there's always next year. I'll still be in the stands as often as possible routing for our Houston Astros.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


Ok. First off, I know the Astros lost last night, but that was a damn good game! But, hey, no worries because the Astros are going to git-r-done tonight baby! I don't recall a time when I was ever this stressed or excited about a sports team. I don't consider myself to be a fair-weather fan either. Boyfriend's parents have season tickets, so anytime they offer up their seats, we're all over it. The same goes for the Texans, just for the record. We tailgate as often as possible. Anyway, in my mad 15-minute race to work this morning, I was listening to 104, the morning show I always listen to. They've offered up another challenge for Houston's Astros fans. Go to the ESPN website and vote for the Astros all the way down. Let's see if we can psyche them out. MUUUAAAAHHHH (<---insert evil grin).

Secondly, sorry about the quote by Larry the Cable Guy. I know it sounds so hick-ish, which I'm totally not. But if you've ever been in a Houston sports bar surrounded by overly-intoxicated men with testosterone seeping from every opening in their bodies, "Git-R-Done" is the only descriptive phrase that will come to mind for the situation. Trust me. By the way, I am a fan of Larry's and all the Blue Collar comedians. I don't know why I like them so much. Maybe because I grew up in southwest Louisiana, which is full of hicks. These guys unfortunately remind of people I am related to. I don't claim to be a hick myself because I got the hell out of that town the second I was old enough to leave home, and thankfully, also got rid of the accent.

And lastly, I finally got some sleep last night. I don't know if it was because I vented about my stress yesterday or if it was the Tylenol PM that almost never works anymore because I've built up a tolerance to it. Either way, I feel a lot better today. That could just be my excitement about the Astros too. Who knows? I'm not even livid about our coffee service being a week late, or the fact that I haven't had a cup of coffee in 4 days.

Let's go Astros!

Oh, I almost forgot ... If you know anyone in Houston who would be interested in adopting a dog that my neighbors have temporarily adopted, please email me. His pictures are HERE. Thanks.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

No sleep for the weary.

AGRH! I got 4 hours of sleep last night. I have this thing where when I'm stressed about something or something is bothering me, I wake up at exactly 2:30 AM and can't go back to sleep. I almost want to go to a therapist just so that I can claim I have a mild case of insomnia or anxiety or something to get some freakin sleeping pills.

I thought this diary would help with the stress factor and I'd be able to get my thoughts out of my head so I could get over things faster. No such luck. I'm stressed partially because of money issues. But mostly because boyfriend and I have major "unresolved issues". For some strange reason, he has the idea in his head that just because he apologizes for "arguing" that the behavior/incident that started the argument is also forgiven and forgotten. Absolutely, positively NOT! Yea, you're forgiven for arguing with me, but you are not forgiven for what you did that started the argument, especially not until we talk (and I mean talk - not argue!) it out and you see MY point! But if I bring it up again, I'll be the one starting the argument and "wearing him out". I hate arguing. It's a waste of time and emotion, but it occurs when a person gets defensive and isn't open to the fact that they just might be wrong. Now, I have no problem with admitting when I'm wrong about something. And for the most part, even when I'm not wrong, I go out of my way to change whatever is bothering boyfriend so that the issue doesn't come up again.

(Light bulb flickering) SHIT! Maybe that's what the problem is. He's a spoiled, stubborn brat who thinks that because he's the man, he's never ever wrong. I guess this is my fault. Damnit, there I go again ... Now it's all my fault, NOT! Apparently, his training is working, if I can convince myself that his stupidity is somehow my fault. Maybe I'll be able to sleep now.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Playing catch-up ...

Well, I finally figured out how to play with these templates and add links to the menubar to the right. As you can see, I've added several of my personal sites and a few blogs that I like to keep up with. I've also added a Social Calendar. I know there are a lot of events on it, several of which I probably won't make it to. But I've found that I get tons of invitations to parties and thought I'd share with others. Also, I like keeping up with all the festivals and outdoor activities around town. And finally, I've added a guestbook. Feel free to sign it, but keep it clean. Your post will have to be approved by me before it is listed.


Monday, October 18, 2004

Ugh, I hate Mondays.

Ok, ok. I'm going to start posting here more. And not just about funny things I find on the internet. More about things that are really going on in my life, and things that piss me off or make me happy. Now, I warn you, it may not be very exciting. I've made a great deal of changes in the past year to eliminate as many drama-generators as possible. So, I can't promise much. Oh and also, my younger middle brother got all the creativity in the family. So don't expect much in that department either. I was the oldest sibling. My job was, and still is, to nurture the family and remember birthdays. I realized and accepted this task at a very early age. However, I always looked at the creative younger brother with a little envy, wishing I could paint, write music, or even just write a simple story that would compel readers wanting more. No such luck. I guess it's true, we always want what's on the other side of the fence. Anyway, I know I don't write well, but I'll try harder. Practice makes perfect, right?

I read a lot of blogs. I have this great job that gives me a lot of free time during the day to work on Reagan's Closet, take internet courses, or do whatever I can to pass the time. Don't mistake, there are times when I'm really busy, but for the most part, I've got it easy. A few weeks ago, I came across this blog, Plain Jane. I think she's a really funny, spunky lady and her blogs definitely give me a chuckle.

Also, there is this other lady, Jennifer, that I've been reading a lot. I feel so bad for her. She's a stay-at-home mom, I think. While she seems to love her life, her child is just starting the "terrible-two's" and she's having the worst time with it. I want so badly to give her some advice, but who the hell am I to advise anyone about parenting, since I don't have any children. I guess I could tell her what worked for me when I was a child, but then I remember how dysfunctional my own family turned out and quickly second-guess whatever advice comes to mind. I know that I turned out ok considering all the crap I came through but again, I have no children. So instead, I pray for her.

Now, my life ... I had a really good weekend. I haven't been out clubbing in about a month. And to be quite honest, I don't feel like I'm missing anything. Instead, I've been finding a lot of fun outdoor activities to attend during the day. Living in one of the busiest cities in the country has it's perks. There is always something fun to do, always some festival going on close by, or some show to see, or some sporting event to catch. And with the Astros and Texans doing so well, there's more excitement and pride in the city than you could imagine. My social calendar is always jam-packed with things to do, STILL! So, Saturday we caught the Italian Festival for a couple of hours, then hurried home to catch the last half of the Astros game. Saturday night, B and I went over to a friend's housewarming party. But we had to get home early because we scheduled painters for 8 am on Sunday. Way too early for a Sunday morning, but well worth it. I love our house. I no longer feel like I'm in an insane asylum with all the white walls. The colors are so rich and the lines so sharp since we kept the white trims. I can't wait to start having friends come over to see the difference. So, while the painters were working, B and I decided to go watch the Wings Over Houston Airshow. Love, love, loved it! Great show! A lot of people don't know this about me, but I was in the military for a couple of years after high school. When I was very young, I wanted to be a pilot and still hope to get my license one of these days when I can afford to take classes ... It's not cheap. Anyway, I love that stuff. And to see the capabilities of our Airforce and the maneuvers they can accomplish in battle, really gets me hyped and full of pride. Then we get home and the Astros kick some Cardinal ass again!

What a fabulous weekend indeed. But, back to the grind, UGH!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Go Stros!

This is too funny! I heard this on 104 this morning! You have to do this. Go to the Cardinal's website. Vote for Astros to win 4 or 5. So far it's up 53%. Let's see how bad we can freak these bastards out. Who knows, maybe we can psyche them out. Oh, be sure to go to the Astros website as well and vote for us. LOL.

PASS IT ON! GO STROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2004

Cooking to Hook Up

Something to pass the time on a Monday ...

I got this from a friend today and thought it was cute. I took the quiz "What kind of girl are you? (for girls)". Appararently, I'm a progressive girl. Imagine that. Anyone that knows me could have told you that. There's also a quiz for guys "What kind of girl is she?".

What are you?

Friday, October 01, 2004

See, I do care about more than just "Reality TV" & shopping.

A link to the debate transcript of The First Bush - Kerry Presidential Debate.

I missed it last night, so I'll be reading it over the weekend. I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about it on Monday! I feel very strongly about this subject.