
The sweetest of Reagan's world ... Life in the PINK!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

A cabbie picks up a nun.

She gets into the cab and the cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring.

He replies: "I have a question to ask you, but I don't want to offend you".

She answers, "My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive."

"Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me."

She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that:

#1, you have to be single and

#2, you must be Catholic."

The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes! I'm single and Catholic!"

"OK" the nun says. "Pull into the next alley." The nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.

"My dear child," said the nun, why are you crying?"

"Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied. I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish."

The nun says, "That's OK, my name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party."

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Friday, October 21, 2005

Happy Friday & GO ASTROS!!!!!!!!

Funny video from boyfriend (sorry, he's just a little demented at times) ...

Rat Boy

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Porn, Naked Women, Hot Sex!

HA! Not really, I'm just bored with my life and I wanted to try a little experiment. I want to see how many hits my site gets by adding these keywords to it, just out of curiosity.

Did I tell you my little baby boy is already 19.4 pounds. He doesn't look that heavy.

I told you my life is boring right now. Not for long. Lot's of big changes ahead very soon. Come back and see me sometime!

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I almost forgot ... Go Stros!!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Worried Mommy

Boyfriend wakes me up last night at about 12:30 (when he arrives home from the Astros game ... very irritated about that, but that's another story) with my spass-o puppy and puts him in the bed with us, even though I've forbid him from doing that until we break his excited accidents.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm worried about Enzo!"


He keeps making this loud hacking noise. I've given him water but it's not helping."

"He's fine. Bring him back downstairs and go to bed."

So when I got up this morning I went down to check on him. Sure enough, he was doing the loud hacking thing, and he was gagging like he was trying to throw something up. Which leads me to believe he swallowed something he shouldn't have and he's trying to get it back out. So he hung out with me in the bathroom this morning while I got ready for work so I could watch him. And now I'm worried to. I brought him to the vet this morning to see if he needs x-rays or something to figure out what he swallowed. I know he's a puppy and that would be totally normal, but it doesn't ease the stress. So I'm waiting since his doctor doesn't even get in until 9:15.

I'm signing up for pet insurance this morning!

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Friday, October 14, 2005

Sorry, it's Friday and I'm totally unmotivated to write anything. In fact, I think I'll be leaving now!

OMG! This is pretty funny. Can you figure out what the story is about? It took me a second to get past the Ebonics...

The End Of The Internet

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Scorpio for today.

Your feelings are as deep-seated as they come, and you don't usually share them -- not unless you have to, or if someone you know needs to hear them to feel better, or you know that it's impossible to keep them hidden any longer. At the moment, someone who's been distancing from you is about to ask for an audience. If you're game, let them back into your immediate circle. If not, maybe it's time for a change.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005


This is a really long post, but I have got to tell you, this is well worth it!

Let me set this up ... The world of eBay is a rather funny place. There are a few tricks to the business that I don't necessarily participate or condone, but they occur either way. There are also a lot of J-A-C-K-A-S-S-E-S out there who are preying on people who are trying to get whatever they are looking for at the best possible bargain. This post is a perfect example of that. Now eBay has a fraud department that deals with this exact issue, but there is really very little eBay can do. There are branches of the government that deal with fraud issues like this as well and those are a little more effective.

The following email conversation was sent to me by a very good friend of mine so I know they are a reliable source and that this was a real conversation. His name and the details of the item listing are being changed or "XXX" is being substituted to protect his "undercover status". I will not, however, change the "other party's" information just because I think he's scum and I hope everyone who reads this lets him know. Everything you will see from here on out in black letters is taken directly from his email.

Basically, "what had happened was", my friend was selling an item on eBay. He had another account on eBay which he sometimes uses to place what's called a dumby-bid on his own listing to drive up the price of the item to a more satisfying selling price. Unless one knows the system inside and out, like I do, most other bidders & eBayers wouldn't know that his dumby-bid was actually the seller. This is one of those things that sellers sometimes do that I don't agree with. I digress.

Two days after the auction ended, my friend (the seller & dumby-bidder, A.K.A. "John Jackson") recieves this email ...

From: ContactMember@www.ebay.com.sg
Subject: Message from eBay Member stretcheddizzydi
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 21:36:16 UT

Dear trippleteam_tx,

I am the seller of the XXXXXXX, item XXXXXXX and i have subscribed to the ebay second chance program . Second Chance offers can be sent to any of the non-winning bidders if the high bidder does not buy the item, if a seller has duplicate items, or the reserve price is not met in a Reserve Price Auction.

Ebay Second Chance Offer is made to give a another opportunity to non-winning bidders to purchase the wanted items. Ebay asked me to email all my trustable bidders that expressed the interest of buying my product and ask them if they want to purchase it. If you are stil interested in my item please reply at: roxysefa1985@yahoo.com


Did you notice all the misspellings? John wrote:

I'm still very interested and can send you a wire transfer ASAP. Please provide me your account info and I will send you the money tomorrow. I REALLY NEED THOSE RIMS!

Thank you,

John Jackson

Now you know what he was selling. So, just to clarify, this scum-bag contacted my friend and was trying to sell his own rims to him. Can you imagine how many other unsuspecting bargain-shoppers he must have done this to? He probably makes a living off of this. Anyway, there's much more, read on.

From: Stefano Derek roxysefa1985@yahoo.com
To: John John@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: ITEM# XXXXXXX
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 06:44:00 -0700 (PDT)


Ok...here you have my Western Union Detail's:

You should send payment to :
F/L name : Stefano Allan
Address : 127 Finsbury Pavement
City : London
Zip : EC2A 1NS
Country : United kingdom

I will wait your e-mail with the payment confirmation and with your full name and address so i can start the shipping because the package is prepared to be shiped you,after you will complete the payment you will have the rims in 24 hours..

Thank you!

Did you notice the last name Stefano stated is different that the last name in his email header? John wrote:


Thank you so much for your prompt response! I am so excited about getting these rims!! I have a 1966 Volkswagon Beetle and some fat 20's is the last thing I need to make it a show winner. I'm sure this will help me when trying to pick up hotties on a Saturday night!

I will Western Union you the money as soon as I air up my bike tires and ride over to the supermarket. Since you have never listed an amount to send I'm just going to send $1,300. That is what the high bid was so that is fair to me. E-mail me by noon (central time) if you don't have the money. Thanks again! I was so upset when I didn't win the auction!!

Thank you,

John Jackson

From: Stefano Derek roxysefa1985@yahoo.com
To: John John@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: ITEM# "XXXXXXX"
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 14:31:20 -0700 (PDT)


Yes you will have to send me 1300 USD,and the in the price are all the taxes included (shipping nad insurance of the package)i will wait your e-mail with the payment confirmation so i can start the shipping because the package is prepared to be shiped you..

Thank you!

John wrote:

I take it you didn't get my western union? I am very dissappointed! I rode my 10 speed bike all the way to Jose's meat market in the pouring rain. I would like to get this process rolling ASAP. Each day I go without the dubs on my VW is one more day I can't score with chicks. Please confirm the info (below). Maybe they got confused because you have two different last names.

Get my rims together, re-check the Western Union for the $1,300 I sent today, and lets get this done. I'm ready to go big pimpin! You London dude's ever thought of putting 20s on those little crap cars you drive? I think that would be cool. Thanks for finding my shipping address without me giving it to you. I don't like sending out secret data like that over the net.

Name : Stefano Allan
Address : 1721 Finsbury Street
City : London
Zip : EAC2 1NS
Country : Britian

Thank you,

John Jackson

From: Stefano Derek roxysefa1985@yahoo.com
To: John John@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: ITEM# XXXXXXX
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 02:48:28 -0700 (PDT)


I need to know your full name and address and the MTCN# ( Money Transfer Control Number) from Western Union so i can check the Transfer and to start the shipping, i will wait your e-mail..

Thank you!

John wrote:

Well you know my name silly, I feel like we are almost bothers now. I think this is the number you are requesting. MTCN#696969Apple. I don't like super-valuables to be sent to my house so send them to my secret hideout. This is where me and the bruthas store all of our fat whips! We also bake meth here but keep that between you and me!!! Even though we are all black, we call the hideout, "the white house." Cool huh!

Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

Go down to western union and get this straightened out! If I have to go back to Jose's meat market and slap some people around I will! If you can't give me confirmation that my rims have been sent today I think I might cancel the money transfer and just shop elsewhere.

Elton John ROCKS!!!

Thank you,

John Jackson

From: Stefano Derek roxysefa1985@yahoo.com
To: John John@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: ITEM# XXXXXXX
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 08:16:00 -0700 (PDT)


First of all i must inform you that i don't know your name, and the MTCN# have 10 numbers not 6 so e-mail me your name and the MTCN# so i can verify the payment so i can start the shipping..

Thank you!

John wrote:

Derek(Allen), my brotha!, I think you're pulling my leg. See where it says "thank you" with MY NAME below it in every e-mail ..... guess what? That's my name! My parents named me John Jackson but sometimes I go by White Lightning. I'm black so this makes for a good code name and I can hide from rival gangstas very easily. Did you think John Jackson was some super-secret code name? The only secret we have here is my super-secret lair a.k.a. the "white house". Take off the Apple part and just go with MTCN#6969696969. I don't know where the apple part came from. Maybe I was just hungry while I was typing. Sometimes when you bake meth you breathe in fumes that make you do silly, wacky, funny shit.

I'm going to Jose's dead rat market right now to slap the owner around a bit. I can't believe you are having such a hard time getting the $1,300 I sent. If Jose's Market can't get this straight today you might see me on th news. I've got a cross bow and know how to use it!!!!! Tell me if you don't have the money today. Tell the London Western Union that John "White Lighning" Jackson has sent $1,300 from his secret lair, the White House. Those english fags know of me and that I'm not someone they want to mess with. Get this fixed you little fruitloop!

I Love you,

John Jackson

From: Stefano Derek roxysefa1985@yahoo.com
To: John John@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: ITEM# XXXXXXX
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 15:03:37 -0700 (PDT)


The package was sent today,in 48 hours you will have the package..e-mail me after you get it...

Thank you!

John wrote:

OK, thank you very much. I am going to be knee deep in girlie girls when I get these fat Dubs on my VW! I don't care if everyone says English people are gay and your country looks like a swamp. Derek you are my best friend! Are you straight?

Hug and Kisses,

John Jackson

From: Stefano Derek roxysefa1985@yahoo.com
To: John
Subject: Re: ITEM# XXXXXXX
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 18:34:10 -0700 (PDT)

You are a fucking nigger,you didn't send me the money, the package is cancelled, go and fuck your self and tell your mama that my dick is in her mouth.

From: John Jackson
Subject: Re: ITEM# XXXXXXX
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 21:40:53 -0500

NO MONEY!?!?! HA HA HA HA! We can't believe you ever thought anyone would send you money. Guess what you fucking idiot... the rims you were selling me were MY RIMS! I had them listed on eBay and you were trying to sell them to me.

Even funnier is that you were dumb enough to continue to respond which has allowed us accurately trace your ISP account and your computer's static IP address. The entire branch office has enjoyed fucking with you and couldn't believe you kept coming back for more!

Just for the mother comment I'm going to have someone pay you a special visit very soon. Thanks for making this case so easy and for providing such concrete evidence. RUN AND HIDE little faggot!! I'm gonna take this felony fraud case on personally. Enjoy your short free time. See you soon.

Thank you, John Smith (see attachment)

Attached was a business card for John Smith who works for the U.S. Secret Service Fraud Department (John Smith is also my version to protect his privacy).

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Sorry for not posting, it's a busy week!

Well there's lots of things going on in my life right now, albeit pretty mundane events, but busy nonetheless.

My family in Louisiana is still trying to recover from Hurricane Rita. So I'm going home a lot more often to help with the clean up. It really is devastating to see the town I grew up in and the people I grew up with in this state and struggling so much. Last Friday was the first time I went home to see it all for myself. It was truly heart wrenching. When I finally pulled into my parents' driveway, I broke down for a moment. My heart literally ached. It was so sad. But I have a lot to be thankful for. My family is fine and their home is miraculously fine. They're struggling a little financially since my Dad isn't working yet because the city is offline, but otherwise they will recover soon. There are many other families there that weren't so lucky, including my grandmother who is now living with my Dad and my sister-in-law's family.

Speaking of, my brother was recently discharged from the Marines. Obviously they can't go back to Louisiana. But that's ok. I had called them a few weeks ago, way before Hurricane Rita hit, to invite them to come live with boyfriend and I. They happily accepted. So they will be here sometime today! I'm so excited and I think they are too. My brother came here to live with me about 6 years ago to finish his final year in high school and absolutely loved being here as opposed to "Small Town", Louisiana. When I invited them, they were more than trilled and more relieved than anything. I think they realized that there are too few opportunities in Louisiana for a young couple to be successful. Needless to say, I'll be making Gumbo for their homecoming dinner tonight! YUM!

Aside from having my family with me, they have a puppy Dachshund the same age as Enzo. So now he will finally have a little playmate. I'm expecting even more fun from that. Enzo really is a spas-case and a ball of energy. I'm hoping he'll be able to release a little more of that energy now that he's going to have a friend to play with all day.

And finally, I'll be attending an awards luncheon downtown this week for my company. Before I started working here, The Houston Business Journal sponsored a city-wide contest to find the top 10 best places to work in Houston. And my company has been selected to be in that top 10. We find out at the awards ceremony which place we came in. So, this is just further proof that I made the right decision in coming here.

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