
The sweetest of Reagan's world ... Life in the PINK!

Friday, January 28, 2005

Can you dig it?!

First, I'd like to start with a story I heard about on my favorite radio show this morning. Sam was talking about the story about Nicole Kidman in Australia. Kidman has won a restraining order against 2 Aussie photographers who have chased her down in a Princess Diana-like high-speed car chase. A listening device was also discovered outside the window of her home! Sam's view on the subject is, "You live by the sword, you die by the sword." In other words, if these celebs are willing to be photographed on the red carpet to promote their movies then they should expect to be photographed by paparazzi in their private lives. He also said that since the celebs have so much money, they should buy a couple of inexpensive cars, double tint the windows, and use them as decoys when they want to leave their homes. Another option he proposed is that Kidman simply pose for the photos even when she's with her children shopping for groceries. The idea being that if there are so many photos of them out there, there won't be so much demand. He also suggested that Kidman wear a bag over her head on the red carpet of her next movie premiere, make a statement that the photographers should be ashamed of themselves, and refuse to pose for PR photos.


Are you serious?! I'm sorry, but as much as I love this show and Sam as a radio personality, I have to completely disagree! While some of these solutions would make for good TV and a lot more gossip about Kidman, I think that is exactly what she is trying to avoid. I have no doubt she does not want to be another Britney Spears. Kidman has way too much class for tabloid nonsense. Let me start by saying, the red carpet is PR and in that "work". Of course they should pose for photos there, unless they want to experience financial ruin. Also, suppose Kidman took Sam's advice and showed up with a paper bag on her head and flipped off every photographer there. Let's be honest, tomorrow everyone would bad-mouth her for being a bitch, her movie would flop out of shear disgust for such a negative attitude, she'd never be hired to do another movie because the producers would be worried about the stigma now attached to her, and we'd be watching an E True Hollywood Story on her in 5 years called, "The Self-Destruction Of The Kidman Empire-What Went Wrong?" As far as the suggestion of the decoy cars, why should anyone have to go to that extreme to spend some quality
private time with their family or do simple daily chores in public? These people do have lives and families and should have every right to keep them private no matter what their celebrity status. The red carpet is PR, home is private. It's that simple. Did we not learn anything from Princess Diana's death?! There has to be a line and some sense of respect. If not, there will be a repeat! A snapshot here and there is ok, but I don't understand why these paparazzi harass and hound these people beyond toleration. It's really sad.

A caller even went so far as to blame the fans for buying the tabloids saying that they promote such behavior by the paparazzi. For one, I don't buy that crap! And finally, I would be perfectly happy with only seeing photos and stories that were done with the permission of celebrities if it meant this kind of behavior was not condoned. Sorry, maybe that's just me. I do not and will never promote stalking of any kind, much less the sleaze of paparazzi! It's wrong, no matter who the stalkee is. There's no double-edged sword here.

Before I end this subject, I just want to say that my intention here was not to discredit Sam Malone or 104. I just couldn't get through on the phone when they were talking about it. I still love the morning show and all the DJ's at 104. And it's still the only station I listen to!

Ok, enough about that ...

The Bachelorette, I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Monday night, I had a date with several pounds of small crawfish and several bowls of red beans and rice, YUMMY (sorry, I'm from Louisiana, it's in my DNA). So, it was DVR'd and I'll get to it this weekend.

American Idol, I almost wasn't going to talk about this simply because I've already written about it. Apparently the tone-deafness is all across the country, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. However, I heard this hilarious story last night about one of the contestants from the auditions in New Orleans, Leroy Wells. Hopefully, you saw his ridiculous rendition of "Got Your Money" (ridiculous is putting it mildly), "Can you dig it?!" Well, Leroy didn't even get to watch his audition with the rest of America because he was IN JAIL! Wow, who would have seen that coming (major sarcasm)? I literally had to concentrate to understand what the HELL this guy was saying throughout the whole audition. As Simon said, he desperately needed subtitles. My premonition for this guy is that some idiotic rap artist (I'm using the term "artist" very loosely) like Lil' Jon will sign him in the near future. "You've got to have a rap sheet, before you can cut a rap" ~Anonymous. He'll be the rap version of William Hung (who by the way, died in Las Vegas yesterday from an intentional heroin overdose, bet you didn't see that one coming!).

And on that note, have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

If women controlled the world ... Part 1

Friday, January 21, 2005

Eminem's ass wuz here!

Ha! Remember when you were in high school and you signed the bathroom walls, desks and yearbooks with "(Your Name) wuz here (date)". That's what this story reminds me of. According to Hip Hop Game, Obie Trice placed a listing on eBay for an old, ratty, outdated sectional sofa for 2 days. For whatever reason (maybe he's smokin' crack and needed some quick cash to buy some more), he thought someone would buy this crap for $2,500 just because it used to belong to Eminem. Even though the listing has been viewed more than 30,000 times, there were no bids on it and it did not sell. The story is that he got the sofa from Eminem as a gift when he moved into his first apartment. I wonder what Mr. Mathers thinks of this minor exploitation. Oh wait, I'm sure we'll hear about in his next rap release.

I can't resist this next one. Star reports that Paris Hilton is under investigation for stealing her own sex tape! Finally, the embarrassment is getting to her. Paris and a group of her pals went into a newsstand to buy celebrity magazines. As she was checking out at the counter, she saw a display for 1 Night in Paris, the movie that was sold by her ex without her permission. At that point she lost it, started ripping the display down, grabbed a copy of the movie, tipped the cashier $0.80 refusing to pay for it, and took off in rage.

Now, before I move on to American Idol talk, let's put Simon Cowell's brutal perspective up for analysis. He thinks that Beyonce is overrated and can't sing. In the same sentence, he defends Ashlee Simpson for lip-synching and says that she's been judged unfairly. Hmmmm. I hope this story is not true, because I was actually starting to like Simon. On the one hand, I don't recall ever reading a bad review of one of Beyonce's shows (before you prove me wrong, I'm sure there are some out there). On the other hand, the last 3 times Ashlee has performed live, she has totally bombed! Don't get me wrong, I love her CD and music, but I'm really starting to doubt that it's actually her voice on the recordings. Do we have another Millie Vanilli on our hands? She can't sing her own songs in public?! I've even caught a few episodes of The Ashlee Simpson Show, and seen her try to rehearse and she still screws it up. While the country is in an uproar to ban her from anymore public performances, I sort of feel bad for her. The poor girl is self-destructing before our eyes! And I have no doubt she will crack under the pressure soon.

Now, hopefully you were not as pathetic as I was to waste 2 hours on 2 consecutive evenings this week to watch American Idol. God, I wish I could get those 2 hours back! Some of these people are completely freakin tone-deaf. This one was a little on the psychotic side. If I were Simon, I'd hire a bodyguard. Am I the only person who thinks that you should know the words to the song you are using in your audition? Yes the judges are harsh and even rude sometimes, but look at what they have to listen to all day. I'm sitting there watching it with my bottom lip on the floor in amazement. I too would have an extremely hard time not laughing my ass off at some of these people. Of course your friends and family are going to tell you that you sing great even if you don't. That's what they are supposed to do. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, save yourself the expense of future therapy session with your psychiatrist and the embarrassment. Go out and find yourself a professional voice coach that will tell you the God's honest truth. Poor, poor souls. Will they ever learn?

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Lazy days.

I must start with Bachelorette talk, DUH!

Yes Sarah, I totally agree with you about Josh. WTF was up with the warrior talk?! Boyfriend doesn't usually watch this show with me (except for the very first episode when Collin was on it). He "works" in his home-office, which is attached to the bedroom where I watch it at a very high volume so that I don't miss anything. When Josh piped in with his "I am a warrior," and "You don't mess with a warrior," babble, boyfriend started laughing his ass off.

Fabrice, shut your big fat pie hole if you can't stick up for your gay French ass! I'm convinced the only reason he's still on is because his idiotic arrogance humors her and he's a babbling moron (and we know the producers love babbling morons because they make for good TV).

And Mark with the pendant. Now the pendant alone would have been a little romantic and thoughtful, but then he had to start talking about how his dead mother is buried with one just like it and that made it all creepy.

And of course, Jason just had to tell her about his virginity status.

Come on guys! Who the hell were your mentors on the etiquette of dating on national TV?

I have to give major props to Jen. First of all, she looked absolutely beautiful at the Rose Ceremony last night. Secondly, she is the first intelligent Bachelorette I've seen on here in a while. Ding, dong, Stu is gone. Now, I'm sure Stu is a really nice guy and would probably be really good to Jen. He's just way too intense. Who falls head over heals in love with a woman over television before getting to really know her and ever expects to be taken seriously? Stu, that's who. Poor guy never had a chance. I just hope he has survived his devastation and didn't go straight home and slit his wrists.

Keith is starting to grow on me too. He really stepped up his game during the one-on-one date when Jen opened up to him. However, I have a feeling that there isn't much of a spark there for her. She didn't seem to really be that much "into" him. And I think it had little to do with being distracted by her decision for the Rose Ceremony and more to with his ability, or lack thereof, to carry an intelligent, much less interesting, conversation.

I think she's pretty good about reading these guys and she'll definitely end up happy with her pick. By the way, I got all 8 of my picks correct last night. WOO-HOO! So, I'm in 1st place on my betting pool, for now. It gets harder towards the end. I'm still rooting for Jerry by the way. He's hot and he seems to be "real". But we'll see how it all plays out.

Ok, done with the Bachelorette talk.

I wish I had some fun celebrity gossip to give you, but I haven't heard anything that tops last week. Thanks to LittleFluffyCloud, I have been following this funny blog, The Superficial. Check it out.

My weekend was pretty relaxing. I did a whole lot of laying my couch-potato-ass on the couch. I swear, I can't get enough sleep these days. I can practically sleep the whole weekend away. Then Sunday comes and I'm frantically scurrying around the house trying to get boyfriend to kick the lazies before midnight strikes and I've gone through another weekend without so much as pulling my car out of the garage much less leaving the confines of my sexy bedroom.

Well, that's all for now. Hopefully I'll have something worthy to write about soon.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Spoiled celebrity babble.

Today's entry is going to be about some of the entertaining, if not interesting (very unlikely), celebrity gossip I heard on the news this morning. Some of this stuff is just plain funny, especially the last one. Beware: This is a very lengthy entry because I have a lot of opinions about this stuff directly steaming from my sad reality TV addiction. ;)

So of course, I watched the Bachelorette last night. My friend, Collin, did not receive a rose, but I already knew that was going to happen without him even telling me. He came to visit us to go shopping (for outfits for the show, no less) right before he left for New York for taping. Needless to say, he was back in Austin the next week. So we already knew he was eliminated in the first round, DUH! Now, if you look at Collin, he's one of the better looking guys on there, and there are way too many dorks! You may ask, "Why did he get eliminated so quickly?" The short answer is: Jen's not his type. When I heard that he was going to be on the show this season, already knowing Jen was going to be the bachelorette because I follow that closely, my first thought was that he wouldn't put forth any effort to talk to her or get to know her because she's not his type (by type, I mean she's not hot enough). Now, I'm not saying she's ugly or unlikeable, she's not. She's adorable, has a great outlook on life, very successful, loveable woman. But, she's no Trista.

Now, on to making fun of some of these bachelors. This may be a little more brutal than I normally am, but it's the nature of the show. Get over it, or skip this entry! ... Come on, could they have picked a dorkier group of guys? There were only 4 or 5 guys that are even remotely hot and a couple of cute one's.

A.W. seems pretty nice, but clearly not my top pick in the looks department. He's got really creepy bug-eyes.

And OMG, if only ABC would have been serving straight from a keg, Chris C. would have been in Heaven. He came off as a major lush. Originally, when I made my picks, I thought, "Oh, he's kind of cute and he's a hairdresser. He's in for sure! He could do her hair everyday before she goes to work. They'll be two peas in a pod. It'll be so cute." That was obviously before I heard him speak. Please send this poor boy back to school and buy him some speech therapy lessons before you send him on any other reality shows. He desperately needs a lot of help!

Chris M. just had 0 personality. And I didn't like the way his lips don't really move when he spoke. Plus, he didn't even wear a tie with his suit. Come on man, you're possibly meeting your future wife. Dress up a little!

Poor David, the fainter. He was one of the guys I picked as being really hot. But then when you see him on the show, he almost looks too "done up". He didn't look like he was Jen's type. I can't tell if the fainting spell was faked for some attention or if it was real. Either way, I guessed it was him when they were showing the previews of it.

Eric H., A.K.A. "Slim Ball". All I can say about this guy is "EW!" His comment at the end of the show about how his advances on Jen's friend were misunderstood, his exact words were, "taken the wrong way." Well, um hm, let's evaluate that for a second. When someone asks me if I'd like to go out sometime, I take that as an invitation for a date, clearly flirting. What a typical IDIOT! That's right Eric, turn it around. Make it look like all of America didn't just see with our own eyes what happened and we are all mistaken. Did he forget there was a television crew recording everything they did?

HA, Fabrice! I'm still not sure why she kept this guy other than the fact that his comments and advances were so ridiculously corny, that they were humorous. Who are all of these American women falling for this crap? I think he depends too much on his accent and not enough on intelligent conversation, to get him women. To top it off, it looks like he may get arrested during filming. I'm looking forward to seeing that. While you're at it, deport his cheesy butt back to Paris. My personal opinion, yuck.

John Paul came off very cocky, and I don't mean that in a good way. Yes, you're only 25 and you have major cash in the bank. So, what the hell are you doing on the Bachelorette trying to find your wife? I have a sneaky suspicion he's another Rick Rockwell in the making.

Now, while I sympathize with those guys that were pretty nice and didn't get to spend any quality time with Jen, I definitely think that the First Impression Rose (er, um, I mean, Pity Rose in this case) should not have gone to Keith. He doesn't look like her type, and I'm not saying that because of his career choice. They could have given it to Andy. Keith just wasn't "put together" very well. But, I guess her friends would know her better than I would.

Michael is a really nice guy, but not very attractive. Let's hope his other more redeeming qualities shine throughout the season.

I can't figure out why Jen picked Ryan Sm. It didn't look like she even said 2 words to him. I'm assuming they edited that part out. Except that when she said his name and the cameras scanned the faces of the other guys, they looked surprised as well.

Stu, Stu, Stu. YES, HE'S DEFINITELY CREEPY! And judging from the season's previews, we have a psycho on our hands. Goodbye Jane, hello Stu! What has Jen gotten herself into? One can only hope she figures this guy out early on before he kills everyone in the bachelor pad. Although, he's probably going to slit his wrists when he gets the boot.

And finally, Wendall. Again, not a very attractive man, but very nice. I picked him to advance just because of his bio answers. Which leads me to another point, some of these guys had such short bio answers, it wasn't hard to figure out who was dumb as dirt and who actually could hold a conversation when put in front of an intelligent woman.

If I had to pick who will get the final rose right now, I think I'd pick Jerry. I think he's really going to pull out all the stops. And he's gorgeous! I'm sure that guess will change throughout the season as we see "real" personalities emerge.

OK, Bachelorette talk ... Done. Lucky you.

Let me clarify before I begin this topic ... I am a huge fan of The Simple Life and of Paris & Nicole. Not so much because I admire them or any noble reason of that sort. But simply because they have such drama-stricken, nauseatingly wealthy, public lifestyles. They make me freakin laugh. Oh, and they're also hot. The scoop: One of the episodes this season was going to be filmed at a middle school in New Jersey. Paris & Nicole were planning to work as substitute teachers for the school. Apparently, when parents heard about it, they went to the school board in protest, complaining that the girls were not good role models for their children. One parent said, "Their reputation leaves a lot to be desired." They were also afraid that their town would be made fun of and/or be portrayed negatively in some way. Well, DUH! Why hasn't anyone figured this out before now? I'm sure someone has, and we just never heard about it. Funny, to say the least.

I've saved the best for last! Britney Spears is now so desperate to have new hubby Kevin Federline be a success, she has vowed to spend up to $1,000,000 on singing, acting, and dancing classes for him. Then, when he's been given the works, Kevin and Britney will tour the globe performing as a husband and wife double act. This scumbag really has hit the jackpot! And who the hell is she trying to kid. This fiasco of a marriage is almost as unbelievable as Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley's short stint.

HA! This was such a lame post!

Monday, January 10, 2005

Bachelorette countdown.

Yes, it's that time again. The Bachelorette premieres tonight. I always get so excited about this one. Mostly because I'm part of seasonal betting pool and there's always money at stake. I was never a fan of Jennifer Schefft's when she hooked up with Andrew Firestone in The Bachelor. However, as usual, I have a friend who is one of the bachelors in this episode.

Meet Collin! Last year, he met and briefly dated Mandy Jaye from the Bachelor with Jesse Palmer, the football player. Mandy made it pretty far, but Jesse ended up sending her home third to last, so she was up for grabs. As I said before, Collin met her and they dated for a short time. They even came to Houston to hang out with us one weekend. She's a really super sweet girl and a lot of fun. Now that they are just friends, Mandy hooked Collin up with an interview on this season's Bachelorette and here we are. Needless to say, this will be the 7th or 8th friend we've had that got on the Reality Show bandwagon. I think we are going to create a photo album just for my Reality TV friends.

If you are into this show like I am, you can get in on the betting pool that we have going. The entry fee is only $20. You get a point for every pick you get right. The last 2 or 3 rounds (I can't remember off the top of my head but I can check if you are really interested), each correct pick counts as 3 points. Whoever has the most points at the end of the season wins the pot, which is usually $240-$340, depending on how many people get in. So let me know if you want in, ASAP. Your picks have to be in before the show airs!

Also, ABC has jumped in on this bandwagon as well. If you go to the website for the Bachelorette, look for the link to The Rose Ceremony Game. You'll have to register, but that's free. You can search groups to join or create your own. JOIN MINE! This link only works if you are registered and logged in, SO DO IT! It's called "SweetReality". The more people in your group, the higher your group ranks. And there are prizes to be won here as well. It's kind of fun but more fun when there is a large group.

Anyway, my weekend was great! One of my good girlfriends came in to stay the weekend with me from San Antonio. Needless to say, we had an extremely long weekend with the rest of the girls. But we had a blast!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

First entry of 2005.

Well, New Year's Eve kicked major ass this year! I had a freakin blast. There are parts of it that I can't recall at the moment, but that's only proof that my first statement is correct. There will be pictures posted soon. We attempted to combine two groups of friends at the hotel party we attended. When that party started to fizzle we headed over to an after-party at the infamous Club Kyle's Playboy Mansion to meet up with yet another group of debaucherous friends and acquaintances. That was an absolute blast as well.

If any of you keep up with the Houston bar scene, check out LittleFluffyCloud's newest endeavor. She's writing a column for Envy now. She's quite the blogger and is definitely good for at least a couple of chuckles a week. Her column is no different. It's titled "Who's That Lady?" Check it out! She's a hot, sassy, funny, intelligent, stylish woman who has it all, loves Paris Hilton, party-planning, body glitter, the color pink, and shopping. You will definitely relate to her.

I also wanted to touch on one really lame topic for just a second. I watched "Who's Your Daddy?" the other night. First of all, thank God they aired it all in one night. I was balling the entire time (don't tell boyfriend, because he asked me a few times if I was crying and I lied and said "No"). I don't think I could have taken more than one night of that. Everyone is all pissed about this show because the whole adoption process and the task of tracking birth families down were "exploited". People are also bitching about the woman that was cast as the adopted child searching for her father, saying she must have been a fake because she wasn't emotional enough. Did we watch the same show? She was almost always crying. In fact, every time the camera went to her face and I saw the hurt, anxiety, and excitement on her face, that's what made me start crying! Also, there's the prize money, $100,000. Now come on people. I have no doubt in my mind that this woman and her birth father would have done this show without the money. There has to be some incentive for the actors (the other 7 men who are trying to trick her so she doesn't make the correct picks, and in turn decreases the amount of money that FOX has to pay out to her) to put on a good show. Don't forget, these people have been looking for each other almost their whole lives. We've all heard the horror stories of how difficult it is for birth families to reunite. Unless some talk show or network with major corporate dollars gets involved, it almost never happens. I'm sure the $100,000 was nice, but the least of what these people were after when they got involved with this show. This woman found her father, mother, and stepsisters. There's no monetary value for that. But hey, FOX got you all so pissed about it you're talking about it for days. HM, sounds like their tactics worked to me. Or maybe I'm just naive, who knows. Anyway, it wasn't what I expected it to be and I'm glad I took the time to watch it before I started bitching about it. ;)

Time to hit the gym!