
The sweetest of Reagan's world ... Life in the PINK!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Boring humpday.

I get a lot of silly jokester emails all day, everyday. No matter how many times I tell my friends not to send me this crap and that I don't even open it, they still do. I decided to actually look at a couple things today, just because the day is dragging ass.

This is just dumb. I should have listened to my first instinct. I wish I could get that 2 seconds back. Thanks anyway Rockstar. And now I've wasted 2 seconds of your time.

This one is only a fraction better, and only because it's one of my favorite cars. Click on the pic to read about it if you'd like to waste more time.

This one made it all worth while. Do you remember how many of these dances you've actually done? This is the funniest 6 minutes I've had all day.

If I get anymore worthless crap, I'll update this post. Will the weekend ever get here?

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Basics

I just wanted to take a second to introduce a new blogger. Well, actually he's a friend from MySpace who I convinced to join the blogger world. He emails me these fantastic compliments about my writing, which I take as pure flattery. During our email tizzy, I've managed to convince him to start his own blog, what with all his wordly travels and jet-setting lifestyle. I expect some entertaining stories to follow soon.


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Monday, May 15, 2006

Spending Sunday sipping champagne at the Hotel Zaza pool.

Just the sound of it escaping my lips brings back the memory of warmth, sounds of waterfalls, and sweet tastes. I had a really hard time convincing myself not to take BFF’s suggestion of lying to my co-workers about my car breaking down so that we could enjoy another crazy night in the big D. I had an absolute blast. I definitely did not want to come home. As I’m soaking up the sun, contemplating the lie, I decided to make a conscious effort not to take life so seriously anymore. I think that may be a big contribution to my faults. I’ve noticed that a lot of people that live life so carefree have all of their dreams realized or at least within arm's reach. I just have to be careful not to cross the line into irresponsibility. I don’t think I could do that even if I tried though, and I’ll tell you why…

BFF and I had this deep conversation over bottomless mimosas on the terrace (that’s how all deep conversations should take place). I was describing my dysfunctional childhood to her as she described her perfect one. We concluded that A) due to her mother’s need to shelter her as a child because she was sheltered herself, coupled with the fact that she’s never had to deal with death or loss in her whole life (all of her grandparents & parents are still together and alive) directly contribute to her over-sensitivity for every living being on the planet. She has a fear of loss. She doesn’t know how to handle it. Apparently she has panic attacks even if she sees a dead animal on the side of the road. B) due the fact that I was forced to take on the mother role for my younger brothers at the age of 12 until I left home, that role still carries on in my life today with my close friends. It probably also contributes to my high tolerance and patience level for being taken for granted by people that I love (that doesn’t happen often, but I’ve let it happen more times than I care to admit). I’m always the strong one that has everything planned out and takes care of everyone else before I take care of myself … the responsible one. So, that’s just how I’m built, irresponsibility is not in my nature. Hence, the conscious effort … don’t take life so freakin seriously.

05.13.06 O Bar

Good times baby! By the way, Mel placed second and qualifies for Nationals! We'll be planning that trip shortly!!!!

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Just checkin in. Well I had a really productive and fun week. I finally got back into my workout routine again. And I've got a great weekend planned. One of my BFFs is competing in a fitness competition that she's worked really hard on. So one of my other BFFs and I are going to watch the show and support her.

I just want to say that I love these two girls with all my heart. No, I'm not a lesbo-dyke. I just feel really lucky to have two of the most adorable, loyal, and giving women in this city as my BFFs. These two women are my rocks and keep me going on a daily basis.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of pics up next week. I hope you all have a great weekend.

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bring it.

I’m so pissed off I can’t even think straight right now. So forgive me if this comes out completely incoherent.

I am so sick of gossipy assholes with nothing better to do with their fat asses than make up fabrications about people just to fill their own pathetic lives with any attention no matter how negative or dramatic it may be. I hate, hate, hate, hate gossip. I’ve lost many friends over it. I won’t tolerate it in my life. It doesn’t serve any positive purpose other than allowing the gossiper to hear his/her own voice. I hate liars even more. I’ve lost many friends over this too. The only regret I have about this is that I didn’t beat the living shit out of them. I try to tell myself that wouldn’t serve any positive purpose either because liars are sick and just can’t help themselves. But then my adrenaline levels say otherwise.

What’s worse is when your “friends” gossip about you or they hear gossip about you and they don’t stick up for you. I’ve stopped people in mid-sentence before and told them if they uttered one more word of their BS about my friend, I’d slap their face right then and there. Maybe I’m too good to my friends, but I at least expect my friends to treat me with enough dignity and respect to stick up for me in some way.

I find it extremely hard to believe that some slut-bag bimbo is walking around town telling everyone her name is Reagan and she has a website just for the sole purpose of ruining my reputation. And I know damned well my happy ass was home alone or at a friend’s home last weekend. So if you are so desperate for attention that you had to go to this extreme, bring your pictures (that obviously don’t exist) to me and I’ll give you all the attention you require. I dare you.

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Guilt is a good motivator.

I’ve been wasting a lot of time lately reading blogs, surfing myspace and the net, but mostly reading blogs. I feel obligated to post something here. The problem is, I don’t feel very inspired to write anything. Not much has changed in my life, so there’s not much to write about. There have been the occasional encounters that have caused everything from butterflies and weak knees followed by the urge to kiss in a public place, to regret and frustration followed by heartache. Like I said … nothing new.

I need to focus on some personal things and I’ve got this checklist going, but I can’t seem to get motivated to focus. Perhaps there are too many things on the checklist:

-Get to the gym/get rid of this cellulite on my big fat ass!
-Complete Quickbooks certification.
-Get registered for the fall semester.
-Find a roommate/find a new apartment.
-Get organized.
-Clean out my car.
-Get a passport.
-Replace the cord to download pics from my camera from the last 2 months since I lost the last replacement cord.

Ok, I just made myself feel really guilty and lazy. I’ll start on the checklist now.

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