Guilt is a good motivator.
I’ve been wasting a lot of time lately reading blogs, surfing myspace and the net, but mostly reading blogs. I feel obligated to post something here. The problem is, I don’t feel very inspired to write anything. Not much has changed in my life, so there’s not much to write about. There have been the occasional encounters that have caused everything from butterflies and weak knees followed by the urge to kiss in a public place, to regret and frustration followed by heartache. Like I said … nothing new.
I need to focus on some personal things and I’ve got this checklist going, but I can’t seem to get motivated to focus. Perhaps there are too many things on the checklist:
-Get to the gym/get rid of this cellulite on my big fat ass!
-Complete Quickbooks certification.
-Get registered for the fall semester.
-Find a roommate/find a new apartment.
-Get organized.
-Clean out my car.
-Get a passport.
-Replace the cord to download pics from my camera from the last 2 months since I lost the last replacement cord.
Ok, I just made myself feel really guilty and lazy. I’ll start on the checklist now.
I've put all the weight I lost back on since Ms. NewGal has been baking me pies. I am officially a lard-ass now. If only I didn't love that pie quite so much.... Ah, well, fat and happy or thin and miserable? Fat and happy it is!
You, on the other hand, have nothing to worry about. At least, according to the pictures on that Flickr thingee on the side of your blog.
dr. phil says (as bryan rolls his eyes) that peace of mind comes when you finish your to-do list. i think that's true...
i have the same problem. i have a mile-long to-do list... buy birthday presents, plan parties, clean, tan, workout, blah blah blah.
so i have been trying to knock one thing off my list a day. reasonable goal, and makes me feel like i'm doing something.
btw, did sass tell you i saw that girl from big brother? the blond skinny one with the dog named pepperoni? she was at light for a bach party.
Looking at that photo of you in the bikini i think you're mad - there's no dimples on you except your cheek and yes i mean the one on your face. time grab him.
And get on those photos, your emails of "Missy give up the pictures" Photos are the only thing i seem to be "giving up" these days.
sarah - yes she did tell me. i remember her well. i don't like dr. phil much, but i do like the advice and i'll give it a shot. thanx.
ng & sass - i agree, i love the front shot, but notice there are no pics of a direct rear shot ... there's a reason for that. i'm not fishing for compliments here. i'm very serious. trust me, there's enough cellulite there to warrant a cover-up when wearing a bikini.
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