Weeding out my beautiful garden.
Yes, I think it’s that time again. It’s a good idea to do this at least once a year especially if you go out and meet new people as much as I do. I’ve been accused of not being outgoing enough. My photos and social calendar prove otherwise. Please keep in mind, I'm not trying to devalue any friendships. They are all important to me and have the potential to grow. I know I’m risking pissing someone off here but if you can’t handle the truth, don’t bother reading anymore of this post.
Loyalty is a huge charter trait for me. It’s the basis of what all other important character traits stem from (trust, support, and honesty) when I consider people as a friend. It’s a shitty but necessary evil if you want to keep positive people around you:
True Friends – There’s only a handful of them. These are the people in my life that would do anything for me and vice versa. They’ve stood by me through my hardest days and continue to support me as I grow out of old habits. I can count on them to be tactfully honest and lift me from darkness on a daily basis. They’d never betray any loyalty by sharing my secrets with someone else. They join me in confronting my demons and those who hurt me. I don’t think I could live without them.
Party Friends – Some of these people are newbees that just haven’t been promoted due to no real opportunity to express a desire to be anything more. Unfortunately, a lot of them are people that I may have at one time mistaken for true friends but have realized that I was way wrong. Sadly, sometimes during break-ups the two sides have to divide friends. I really hate doing that and don’t consider it a fair thing to do to the friends who I genuinely care about. So instead, they just get demoted to party friends. I don’t blame you if you can’t pick sides (we’re both fun people to be around). But with the same token, you probably know most of what happened and if you choose to be Switzerland about it you’re probably not a very good judge of character and I don’t want you in my camp anyway. But I don’t like burning bridges completely. I get the occasional email or party invitation, but there’s no real concern for what’s going on in my life (if there was there’d be no question in my mind where your loyalties lie).
Acquaintenances – There’s too many of these to count. Most of these people I’ve met out and about and wouldn’t trust them alone with my boyfriend (if I had one) or with any personal details of my life. They rarely, if ever, call me or check on me. They don’t know me very well and vice versa and for good reason. I wouldn’t invite them to my wedding and I wouldn’t expect them to show up at my funeral. They’re usually really fun people to party with but that’s about as far as it ever goes.
So there it is. I know, I know, all of this works both ways. Make no mistake, I know where I am on your list too. But I'm always open to improving relationships if someone genuinely feels the same way and I find that person deserves my friendship. You can never have enough friends, but knowing where you stand with someone might motivate you to improve that relationship if you feel that they’re worth your effort.
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