
The sweetest of Reagan's world ... Life in the PINK!

Friday, November 05, 2004

Thank God it's Friday.

Well, there's not much going on with me today. The election is over, thank God! My candidate won, so it should be easy to figure out who I voted for. I really had no doubt he would win until the votes started coming in. I mean, I knew it would be close but, Damn! I admit John Kerry is a very charismatic man and he knows his stuff. But I just feel so strongly about our position in The War On Terror.

I'm sure I'll get some flak for this, but oh well. It's a free freakin country! I agree that we need to back off a little in Iraq, just to repair some of our diplomatic relationships. But I also, have no doubt in my mind that going there in the first place was a necessity as well as the timing being dead-on. Yea, I get it, Saddam didn't have weapons of mass destruction armed at the time of the declaration of this war. But, HELLO!, HE'S AN EVIL BASTARD WHO WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO CAPTURE FOR MORE THAN 10 YEARS! And we finally have. I also have no doubt in my mind that if we do not do everything in our power to capture, if not (hopefully) kill Osama very soon, he will try another attack on us. And for Osama's capture/death to occur, we MUST have our people over there hunting him 24-7 until it is done.

It's funny, I got into a shouting match with my best friend today (we'll call him "Jimmy", for his own protection since he mistakenly voted Democrat this year and doesn't want anyone to know - silly, silly, silly man!) He made a joke/comment that insinuated that I have no compassion for the innocent Iraqi people that are getting killed over there, because I am a Republican. The only reason that has stuck in my head is because that is every Democrat's feeling. Simply not true. I do have compassion for Iraqi people who are living the war and losing family members everyday. I also have compassion for the soldiers who are fighting for and believe in the vision of Iraqi Democracy and freedom, and those soldier's families. It's called "The War On Terror" for a reason, IT'S A FREAKIN WAR! And we didn't start it. People on both sides are going to die, it's a fact of life. War - (wôr) n. - A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious. I would say that terrorists are definitely injurious. If you disagree, look terrorist up too.

I was in the Army when Dessert Storm started. Although, I didn't actually get deployed there, I had a very real sense that I could get deployed at any time and was very much mentally prepared and proud to have the chance to do so. My little brother is currently in the Marines. The job he is trained for, puts him at a very high likelihood that he would have to go at some point. Although, I would be very frightened for him, I am even more proud of him that he chose this path.

SADDAM NEEDED TO BE CAPTURED AS WELL AS EVERY OTHER TERRORIST OUT THERE WHO THREATENS THE FREEDOM OF HUMANITY. And if the United States has to risk friends and allies to make sure it happens, so be it. In the long run, when all of these evil bastards are dead and gone, the rest of the world will be thanking us. I hate to have that "Shoot-em first, explain later" attitude about it. But, that's the bottom line as far as I'm concerned and I'm not afraid to express that.

One last thing. I am very impressed with John Kerry's speech. I especially like the part where he said that we need to put our differences aside and re-unify our country. He's definitely got a lot of great ideas and he's a very smart man or he wouldn't have gotten as far as he has. I will definitely be watching more of him in the Senate to see the changes he's promised to make. It all comes down to this: If you don't like the way things are going in The White House, get off your butt and really get out there to make a change in your direction. Otherwise, STOP YOUR WHINING & SHUT THE F@#K UP!

Anyway, that's the last thing I'll say about that subject. I've got a busy weekend. No partying though. I'm completely motivated to get on a regular work-out routine. I'm going today with a girlfriend on a guest pass to her gym. Then I have the Heart Walk tomorrow. I've convinced a few of my girlfriends to join me on that as well. Of course, I've bribed them with a breakfast prepared by myself. But I have a feeling they would have come anyway. Other than that, I'll be working on Reagan's Closet all weekend. Then on Monday, boyfriend and I are going to his gym together so he can get my membership for me. Thanks, baby!

Have a great weekend everyone!


At Friday, November 05, 2004 10:01:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kerry is no where near charasmatic, although he does have know-how.
And the reason we need to get out of Iraq has nothing to do with international relations; please! Like our biggest concern is what other countries think of us.
No, the reason we need to get out is because people are DYING. Whether they're guilty or innocent, American or Iraqi, adult or child... too many people are dying, and for what?
Obviously we can't just leave them NOW, now that we went over and caused all this chaos, but there's a major problem here: our government took us over there under false pretenses, and still won't admit that they f*cked up.
I voted for Bush, but only because I couldn't bring myself to vote for an elitist, undecisive risk of a man. But I wasn't satisfied when I left the polls.
I think it's a shame that the average person is convinced (via partisan media and the power-hungry government) that we are under attack and be afraid of the "War on Terror"!!! Run and grab your duct tape!!!
That's why many voted for Bush; because they're afraid.
But here's the bottom line people: Bush has major flaws, and his administration has even more. Now that he's going to be our President for the next 4 years, we need to embrace him, respect him, but most importantly CHALLENGE him to be a better President. To fix what he did wrong, and to make our country better and stronger.
And if he can't do that, I don't care if he's Republican, or just a nice guy... I WILL hold him accountable.


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