
The sweetest of Reagan's world ... Life in the PINK!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Busy week ahead ...

OMG! I've got so much work to do this week. And the holidays are right around the corner to give me enough anxiety on top of it all.

I've got to take my CE class for my real estate license before it expires on the 11th. Thank God, I can just take it online at work between emails and it's pretty much open book, so it'll be easy to pass. But still, it's going to take me the better part of a day. Not to mention, it has to be paid for, roughly $155 that I don't really have right now. So, another one of my credit cards is about to be maxed out.

One of the brokers in my office gave me about 200 mailers to stuff into envelopes and get mailed out this week. Mind you, he said, "no rush", but I feel obligated to get that done before I do any personal things for myself.

On top of that, I just got tons of items to list in Reagan's Closet. The trick is being able to use the scanner & computer at home. Since, boyfriend does most of his work from home and he's trying to prove a point to his partner, he's working extra hard so I get no time on the computer after work. I may have to put this stuff off until this weekend, which I hate to do, because the faster I get it all listed, the faster I'll have more money coming in. But I guess it can wait a few days. I really want to get my laptop set up on a wireless modem so I won't have this problem. But again, this is something that has to wait until Reagan's Closet starts bringing in A LOT more money. I'm giving it 3 months, tops. Cross your fingers for me.

On a positive note, boyfriend and I went to the gym yesterday and he got me a membership. The best part is that they offer kickboxing classes! WOO-HOO! Now, I already have a pretty mean kick (just ask boyfriend ;). But, look out now, I'm going for the body I had when I was in the military. Granted, I have a much curvier shape (with the chest addition and the womanly hips) than I did 10 years ago (oh shit, did I just give my age away, DAMNIT!), but I'm still really thin. I'm 5'7" and about 118 lbs. on a good day. So loosing weight is not the issue by any means. I just want to tone up and be able to kick boyfriend's ass when he tries to wrestle me down to the ground on his frisky days. I swear, he just barely touches my wrist to grab at me and it freakin hurts, or maybe that's just my subconscious reaction. Who knows, but I'm excited. Look out B, you're about to get some serious payback smacks on the ass.

Oh, before I forget, I wanted to give a quick "Congratulations" to my two beautiful friends Randy & Charlotte. What a beautiful wedding. They had it at the Intercontinental Hotel this past weekend. Everything was absolutely fabulous. Randy's been a very good friend of mine for the better part of 10 years now. And I've gotten to know Charlotte pretty well in the past year. I can't imagine a sweeter, more beautiful woman that I would want to see Randy married to. I know the two of them will have an incredible life together. All my love and prayers to both of you.

Ok, gotta get back to work!


At Tuesday, November 09, 2004 10:54:00 AM, Blogger My Life N Motion said...

HA! Great news! I just got off the phone with TREC and they said that since I have so many credits already, I don't have to take any CE classes for another 2 years! WOO-HOO! I think I'm going to go ahead and take one at the end of the year though, just to keep up. It definitely wouldn't hurt. YIPPIE!


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